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Yoni Method

The Yoni Method is an internal journey of redefinition aimed at healing uterine disorders and diseases. Here, you are treated uniquely and individually, through Natural Gynecology and various tools to address the root of your uterine pain, not just the symptoms.
We'll deconstruct taboos, patterns, and personal and familial limiting beliefs about being a woman, the uterus, menstruation, and cyclicality.

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The Inner Universe: Deep Understanding
Here, we embark on a journey of self-discovery. Behind every physical pain, there is emotional pain. We will delve deeply into your Inner Universe through the ADA method, embracing the pain of your soul. What guilt, fears, sadness, shame, and feelings of incomprehension are causing the discomfort in your uterus, exhaustion, inaction, low self-esteem, lack of creativity, diminished libido, and a sense of powerlessness in the face of daily challenges.


Outer Transformation: Our Body is Our Sacred Temple

Every pain or discomfort is treated naturally, energetically, and systemically. You will have access to a set of tools that will address both the pains and discomforts of your uterus and the emotional root of these pains. It is indeed possible to live a cycle without pain, tension, exhaustion, anxiety, discomfort... you will feel the changes happening from the inside out. Here, your body is honored as the sacred temple it is. You are unique and deserve a treatment that respects and empowers your individuality.

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Singular Woman:

Identifying the original emotional matrix behind pelvic pain, menstrual and hormonal disorders, PMS, conditions like PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, acne, lack of energy, even emotional and mental disorders like anxiety and depression. We will achieve this through a mapping of your life history, an analysis of your emotional and physical pains, and an investigation of familial clan disorders and illnesses.

Identificação da matriz emocional original por trás das dores pélvicas, distúrbios menstruais e hormonais, TPM, doenças como SOP, endometriose, miomas, acne, falta de disposição, até distúrbios emocionais e mentais como ansiedade, depressão. Faremos isso através de um mapeamento da sua história de vida, análise das suas dores emocionais e físicas, e investigação dos distúrbios e doenças do clã familiar.

O Universo Interno: Compreensão Profunda

Transformação Externa: O nosso corpo é o nosso templo Sagrado

Feminine Cyclicity: The Magic of the Singular Woman

The menstrual cycle is our internal compass; it alerts us if something is amiss in the physical body and the imbalances in the subtle bodies. Understanding your body and your menstrual cycle is crucial for treating uterine diseases and dysfunctions, as well as preventing future illnesses.

The CYCLES Method – Healing through the exploration of feminine cyclicity brings all the necessary tools for you to have autonomy over your intimate health. It is a powerful instrument within your journey of healing and self-awareness.

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If you're seeking natural treatments, ready to confront your pains head-on, and desire a life of fullness and well-being in deep connection with your uterus, your YONI journey begins now. I invite you to join us in discovering and awakening the inner feminine power that exists within you.

Ciclicidade Feminina: A Magia da Mulher Singular

In the cyclical dance, the journey begins, connecting menstruation with the Moon and transcending the magic. At the core of our womb reside our memories and those of our ancestry, our source of power and transformation. In the ebb and flow of emotions, in this eternal movement, we find the meaning of life, death, and rebirth. The woman discovers her true song, celebrating the union of the waters that flow in her womb, awakening her intuition. She dances to the cyclical rhythm of menstruation and finds the healing that frees her to live the Feminine Divinity that exists within every Singular Woman.

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