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Nice to meet you, my name is Susana

I am a Moon Mother and Womb Keeper dedicated to inspiring and empowering women on their transformative journeys. As an Integrative Therapist and founder of Feminine Essence, my expertise lies in the Sacred Feminine and Women's Health. I bring a wealth of knowledge in Natural Gynecology, energy and spiritual therapies, and neuro-linguistic programming. Additionally, I am a radiesthetist, operator of Radiionic Quantum Tables, and Neurobiological Reprogrammer.


My mission is to untangle emotional and energetic knots that restrict your creative potential, allowing the fullness of uterine health and feminine empowerment to blossom. Serving as your guide on this awakening journey, I am committed to assisting you in reconnecting with the Divine Feminine Essence.


I'm devoted to sharing the insights and wisdom I've gained from my personal journey of self-discovery, self-care, and healing. I firmly believe that the healing we seek already resides within each of us. I stand ready to help other women discover their inner power and achieve the sought-after healing."

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Manifest | FemInine Essence

"I envision a world where every woman freely expresses herself, unbound, unveiling her deepest desires and dreams. It's time to dismantle the taboos that obscure the divine feminine.

We reclaim ancestral knowledge as a powerful tool for transformation. True change arises from within, where our essence unfolds, guided by intuition.

Celebrating the uniqueness of each, we join forces in pursuit of freedom and the awakening of our divine essence. Together, we redefine our connection to the sacred feminine, radiating our authentic inner magic."

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